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Is it appropriate?



I was just watching TV and there was a 14 year old girl singing a song and the judges thought she was really good. The probem I had with it was that the song was "I'm begging you for mercy", I think that's the right name, by Duffy. The song is about a girl begging her partner to give her an orgasm to release her. Is it suitable for a 14 year old girl to be singing this sort of song on national TV? I know Lily Allen had a similar song about her partner not making her scream while having sex.


Legend Member
I remember many moons ago Johnny Young from Young Talent Time saying he had to be careful what songs the regular cast sang as it would not be right for a ten year old girl to sing a song about making passionate love Even though the girl herself may have no idea as to the meaning of what she was singing about
He would know and so would the audience


I sung "Hit Me Baby One More Time" at a school talent quest when I was 12, it was stopped half way through as the teachers and parents thought it was wrong for me to be singing it. I didn't take any notice of the lyrics nor the meaning behind them, all I knew was that it was a popular song and I could sing it well. Thinking about it now, it was a pretty provocative and inappropriate song for a 12year old to be singing, or even listening to.
We're stuffed full of all sorts of innuendo as we grow up and it's getting worse. The top 40 music show which the whole country can see on a weekend is almost all inappropriate songs for children/teens to be listening to. But it's not like we can stop our children listening to it and cram their little heads full of The Wiggles forever :)
But I agree, totally inappropriate for a 14 year old to be singing about Begging for Mercy!

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Most kids are unaware of what they are actually singing, its all very innocent.
But I agree, there are plenty of songs that they can sing and I think that a love
song is fine cause its not inappropriate for any teenager to dream of love and most of those
songs don't beg for mercy ;)


Foundation Member
I think people are getting very "trigger-happy" about what is appropriate for children these days and early sexualisation of children is a hot topic among both responsible parents and wowsers.

We see images of Suri Cruise glammed up like a teenager, heels, makeup and all at age 6 and those Amercan kids beauty pagaents with little barbie-dolls trying to out-cute each other (is that a valid verb??)

If kids are going to sing songs at concerts the choices available from the hit charts are a bit limited these days. Imagine a 10 year old rapping out some Tupac. That would set Granny's hair on end but we can't rely on Judy Garland and Debbie Reynolds numbers for ever either.

I am glad my child-raising is done and dusted - like everything else it has become too damn complicated.


Legend Member
I remember when my boys were around 10-12yrs of age Sometimes young girls from the neighbours property would come round to play Go home with torn shirts scabby knees even gravel rash on their palms. I would not like to explain that to a young girls parents today
especially in the City
Anyway if the my nieces kids are anything to judge by They are already 11 going on 16 They even frighten me a little Its as if they have decide Childhood is a luxury kids no longer rquire
Anyway The commercial world does not make as much money from "KIDS"as they do from tweenies into fashion and MTV


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
"Anyway The commercial world does not make as much money from "KIDS"as they do from tweenies into fashion and MTV"
I disagree with this statement, current academic research has been focused on influincing Kids through the media, in particular music video;- they are coming to conclusion, that the way kids dress;- hence fashion, behaviour;- hence to be sexy is to be popular, songs they like to sing is been influence by popular media, music video. In a sense the commerial world is gaining new youger consumers through the digital media world, through popular culture, through the media of MTV music video. Beware of what your kids are watching, no surprise a 14 year old girl is singing a Duffy tune.


Legend Member
I may have said it wrong happypirate I should have said they dont make as much money from Kids just being allowed to be kids


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy and Hello Happy2, thank-you for your input, personally I agree with your opinion and I share most of your beliefs. Unfortunately I am far more critical of current popular culture, basically the influence of technology on our children. Kids today need and absorb so much more information today, than any of us when we were kids. In a sense they are bombed by ideas through the media. One popular media is the MTV video/music clip, this media can influence, fashion, behaviour, question their sexuality, popularity and wealth, health;- is been thin truly healthy and the list will go on. It is generally driven by consumerism, let our children have a chance to grow and enjoy their childhood, does a 14 year old girl singing on national TV "I'm begging you for mercy", surprise me. Unfortunately no. Can society change or influence the growth of technology and consuerism, my belief is it cannot. Hence the only thing we can do as adults is supervise what our kids are watching. Cheers, pass the Rum and all the best.


Its really inappropriate...but oh well the generation now has become too different from the past..everything now is very open to all ages because of the internet and social media..but I guess that 14 year old girl never thought about it..maybe its just the song that she's comfortable singing..oh well we wish its just that...