HSV: Perfect for all occasions


Foundation Member
Hi - got an email re video competition (see the other ones she recommended below.)
Here's my favourite

See them on: broken link so taken down
Magical Elves with HSV (Good message but not a 'cool' image!)
HSV: Perfect for all occasions (It has a lot of votes)
I'm on a Rock (This one has really good info - but cannot win because it is not a 'cute' video)
No big deal #2
A fistful of herpes
Play it Smart (I think this one could win it - it's popular with the public)
Happy Endings (It doesn't hurt that the actors in this one can act and look dishy!)
He can affect anyone
Speak Up
Your not the only one (The video maker apologised for titling his piece "Your not the only one" when he now realised it should be you're)
Don't Jump (Good message for some of the people I talk to on the helpline)
The Sequel
Herpes Misconceived

And if you are still interested take a look at "The Cycle" - it won't have a chance of winning the 'big prize' because it hits out at the big pharmaceutical company funding it!

Best wishes,

Marian Nicholson
41 North Road, London N7 9DP
020 7607 9661
Home page of the Herpes Viruses Association and Shingles Support Society
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