• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

How important is it??


Legend Member
For those that don`t know me already I`m a poor little lonely old man that can`t afford F/S as much as I may like to but I do enjoy going to a good quality R&T from time to time. After saving a few bottle tops last week I was able to spoil myself with a nice R&T.
The thing is as pretty and as beautiful as the young lady was, I wasn`t able to cum.
I wasn`t really annoyed about it because for me it was great to have somebody else play with my little man for a change but I couldn`t help but get the feeling that the lady was disappointed in herself and that I wasn`t really happy to be with her.

I did try to explain that I was happy and I don`t really need to cum to prove it but I`m not sure if she believed me or not.
Does a guy really need to cum to show he is happy with the service??


Gold Member
Hello BB, Welcome to the Club. No it isn't necessary to actually ejaculate as it is quite possible to have an 'internal orgasm', particularly if you have or have had a Prostate problem. I rarely actually 'cum', but still ahve a great and satisfying time.


BB, it common with older gentleman to enjoy sex or sexual stimulation without climax. Women don't orgasm each and every time, it does seem unfair for us to expect men to orgasm with each encounter.

Perth boy

BB a while back I was put on some medecation for a month that gave me the same problem. Was a lot of fun at first as I was normaly a 2 minute man but was going for ever with the meds. After a while being that I am fit my partner didn't like it.

Is this not cuming thing normal for you or just something that happens every now and again?

Maybe you didn't conect with the girl?


Hey you're not alone at times when I'm too drunk or I drink beer too much I don't cum but I definitely enjoy it. So don't you worry she'll understand you...