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Have you ever cried??


Legend Member
I`m pretty sure everybody here by now knows who One Direction is and if you don`t maybe your heads are in the clouds.
A recent thread about groupies and the fact that this group is in town makes me want to ask...

Have you ever cried because you didn`t get to meet and great your favourite musicians at the airport or because you didn`t get to go to their concert.

Have you ever cried when you found out that your favourite music group is splitting up or if somebody famous but not directly related to you has passed away??

I had a friend that was upset and cried for days when she found out the boy band "Take that" had split up and another friend of mine cried when they showed Princess Diana`s funeral.


Legend Member
I am indifferent to the Royal family But I held back a tear over Lady Di
I think just because I seemed to know so much about her she was a part of our lives whether you liked or disliked royalty

Steve Bond

i cried during the series final of 'Spooks' ... Ruth did not deserve to die ... and poor Harry!
Sensitive new age Bond ... and proud!


Gold Member
Have to admit I wept openly at Diana's funeral. Tragic.

And I'm quite willing to admit that I do cry when I experience something cry-worthy... Nothing to be ashamed of.


Full Member
Foundation Member
.....yep, I have shed the odd tear.....the last time was when I got punched in the nuts by a 2 year old.....little bitch!!!......lol.... :)


I cry occasionally but usually it's over animals. Movies like Marley and me and We bought a zoo when they put the tiger down always bring a tear to my eye.

My shepherd recently found himself in trouble and I thought he was going to die. I Cried openly in the vets.

I wouldn't ever cry over a band or movie star though. In a human situation, the person needs to be very close to me, for me to shed a tear.


Gold Member
ive cried when ive had to let my pets go to the rainbow bridge and when my life went thru to hell and beyond and back to earth. i have an emotional moment now and then when something really impacts and brings memories back and i think what if but im usuallu very tearless... i dont like to cry in public or when anyone is around. i think ive only cried infront of some family members and the bestest of friends 2-3times other than that i dont cry :S

Tania Admin

I hormonely cry,,I get the sooks on big time sometimes,,,poor me, damn hormones lol


Legend Member
We recently had to have a horse put down Normally that would be my job But my damn "hay fever"
played up Whenever I got near her enclosure So I had to call the vet in.
And this hay fever seems to even get me indoors Many moons ago a movie called The 4 rings I think it was called About a boy who befriends a wild otter
Its all fun and frivolity till the end of the movie when the family packs up to go back to the city
A new family of big city people arrive at the campsite The otter runs up to a young child The screen goes black And all you hear is
"Look at the size of that damn rat!" then you hear a shovel hitting something with a dull thud
Some movie directors should be shot


Foundation Member
My head must be in the clouds...I saw on early morning TV this morning that there is this boy band called one direction.
Obviously not that good if there not on JJJ or on fox sport channels. I could never shed a tear over a boy band. thats just wrong !!!!
But I did have some tears the first time I heard In The Living Years by mike and the mechanics... now that was an emotional song for me

Steve Bond

Great band … fabulous and meaningful song. I'm with you Buzz on this one.


My head must be in the clouds...I saw on early morning TV this morning that there is this boy band called one direction.
Obviously not that good if there not on JJJ or on fox sport channels. I could never shed a tear over a boy band. thats just wrong!!!

Right now there's an army of millions of teenage girls and their mums out for your blood :p

I personally can't see it, but the hysteria behind these blokes is incredible.


Legend Member
Right now there's an army of millions of teenage girls and their mums out for your blood :p

I personally can't see it, but the hysteria behind these blokes is incredible.

Down the local someone said There will be many grandmothers who will say nothing to those girls Because when they were a similar age they were going bananas over the Fab Four


Gold Member
Yeah, when I've hit my thumb and not the nail.

Ran over my Blue Heeler pup with the grader one time....... I just could not stop bawling........ she just jumped out of the cab (door is fixed ajar) right in front of the rear wheel...... no way could I stop it in time. I could not stay there and luckily a friend came over and buried her.


I'm not really one to get all emotional but sometimes shows like 60 mins and other human interest shows occasionally make sob.... Segments about kids living with illness and their families. "Neil Diamond - Heart of Gold" pulls at my heart strings too.


Foundation Member
.... Segments about kids living with illness and their families. "Neil Diamond - Heart of Gold" pulls at my heart strings too.

Now That makes me cry. getting your artists mixed up. dont you mean Neil Young's - Heart Of Gold...unless there is one song I havnt heard of lol


haha don't know why I wrote diamond.... I'm having one of those days :(

Farm Boy

I am indifferent to the Royal family But I held back a tear over Lady Di
I think just because I seemed to know so much about her she was a part of our lives whether you liked or disliked royalty

Yes H2 that limo so covered in flowers the driver had to clear the hood so he could see , and apparently that was not orchestrated ,people just thought it was the right thing to do.

Of course I did NOT cry but for a brief moment it occurred to me that I had better stop being such a prick or no one will come to my funeral.


Legend Member
I cried when the stock market crashes...and when the bank raise their interest rates...


Legend Member
I cried when the stock market crashes...and when the bank raise their interest rates...

And when you own your own home Its put those damn rates up I am trying to provide for my retirement
And it would be handy if the stockmarket crashed I could buy some cheap shares to help my retirement also

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
.....yep, I have shed the odd tear.....the last time was when I got punched in the nuts by a 2 year old.....little bitch!!!......lol.... :)

lmfao :) unfortunately recently I did the same thing to a friend....teach him to tickle me :p

I`m pretty sure everybody here by now knows who One Direction is and if you don`t maybe your heads are in the clouds.
A recent thread about groupies and the fact that this group is in town makes me want to ask...

Have you ever cried because you didn`t get to meet and great your favourite musicians at the airport or because you didn`t get to go to their concert.

Have you ever cried when you found out that your favourite music group is splitting up or if somebody famous but not directly related to you has passed away??

I had a friend that was upset and cried for days when she found out the boy band "Take that" had split up and another friend of mine cried when they showed Princess Diana`s funeral.

I cried when my favourite band split up cause each time they toured Perth, I was unable to see them in concert
and I was hanging for the last time they came here
and recently I hear they do guest type appearances in Europe and occasionally in the East but its looking
bleak for a West tour
Not sure I'll ever get to see them in concert :(
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I would never cry over some one that wouldn't cry over me. some times crying or laughing are the only option, we never need to be ashamed of our tears.
Do never apologize for crying, without emotions we are only robots.
sometimes before we can see properly we must first shed our tears to clear the way.
There you go, let it all out. Happiness cant stick to a persons soul when is slick with tears.
Xoso princess tahlia

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
So True.
I've cried at funerals when I'm there to support the person who lost a loved one,
even though I didn't know the deceased, I still felt sad and cried.
Tears can come from joy too.
I've cried when I've worked hard at something and are rewarded for my achievements


Yep, sentimental thing I am. Reading and picking out cards for people gives me an acute onset of 'hay fever'. Music is another trigger. The 'Acceptance' stage of the grief / loss cycle......absolute corker. Sleep deprivation is a catalyst for occasional, irrational and emotional water works which goes something like ''what's wrong hun?''....''I don't know"........ as I howl like a man wolf. Aside from that, no I never cry lol hehe:)

....sometimes before we can see properly we must first shed our tears to clear the way.
There you go, let it all out. Happiness cant stick to a persons soul when is slick with tears.
Xoso princess tahlia

I like that Tahlia. x.
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hmmmmmmm.........99% are anger/frustration tears.........I do struggle with every other tearful situation which is a bit a shame. Tears are liberating.



Bronze Member
I don't cry often but the culprit is usually a movie. Usually there's animals involved, Homeward Bound...I'm looking at you!