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Ever had a sliding door moment?


Diamond Member
Anyone had a sliding door moment before? If you ever watched the movie Sliding Doors, it's based on the two paths the central character's life (Gwyneth Paltrow) could take depending on whether or not she catches a train (By catching the train, she arrives home early and catches her boyfriend in bed with another woman) The Sliding door is in reference to the doors closing on the train. I'm sure, most of us who catch public transport have been in that situation, where we are running for the train and just as we reach it, the door closes on us. HATE THAT. :p

It's a bit like 'What if' and 'Wrong place wrong time' scenario, which can alter the path of your life.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Yes. What if I went home that cold night in 1999 after the strip show and never developed a taste for punting lol.


Yep today - i thought I was doing an hour appointment and didnt check how many notes the client gave me at the beginning of the appointment and what we discussed on the phone, apparently he only paid for 15 mins - fuck im retarded

Anyone had a sliding door moment before? If you ever watched the movie Sliding Doors, it's based on the two paths the central character's life (Gwyneth Paltrow) could take depending on whether or not she catches a train (By catching the train, she arrives home early and catches her boyfriend in bed with another woman) The Sliding door is in reference to the doors closing on the train. I'm sure, most of us who catch public transport have been in that situation, where we are running for the train and just as we reach it, the door closes on us. HATE THAT. :p

It's a bit like 'What if' and 'Wrong place wrong time' scenario, which can alter the path of your life.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I like the movie.......lol the universe and its wicked way with us humans. The positive thing is that we don't know the other path depending of us missing or catching the train.
The Italians (especially in Rome) solve the problem of missing a train in their own way: push.....push...push and when the doors close the people in the front open them again by pulling the doors apart with their hands and another handful of people squeeze in until the train starts moving.
Rather scary if you are not used to it but it seems to work. :icon_scra



2 standouts for me, both around 8/9 years ago.

First being a choice between spending the night with my great girlfriend or going out with a few randoms i barely knew. The short story was that we broke up. Mind you that eventually opened doors which leads me to where i am now.

Another night i had to choose between my best mate or another friend. Simple change of mind and my best mate was killed. The "what ifs" still haunt me all these years later. Never had a best friend since.

The only sliding door train moment was in a very small German town. Missed the train and ended up finding an amazing lady in her 60's who's meals i will never forget!!

Sandi Lang

We will never know 'what if ' im a firm believer we are supposed to be where we are its fate ... Who knows what ifs are just the unknown ???


I think its about fate too, I agree with you Sandi...its not about all those what ifs cuz if it happens it will surely does happen...


Farm Boy, Happy2 and I are thinking what if, it doesn't rain.