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Esctasy & Sex What are your thoughts?

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We are (or should be) all adults on this forum and I have (what I believe to be) a legitimate question, though I might be treading on 'unstable' ground.
Anyway, enough of the brackets and apostrophe's (Does apostrophe's have an apostrophe?) My question is this...it goes on a bit....

We all know that at times sexual pleasure can be enhanced by a number of stimulants that we commonly call aphrodisiacs.


I am male, 46 years old, relatively fit, gainfully employed, high IQ, never beat my kids, pay my mortgage on time, have a great partner,don't have a criminal record, loves big nights out, don't abuse taxi drivers, says 'please' and 'thank-you' (even to late night BP console operators), washes the car on Sundays and doesn't drive drunk.
In my own mind I am a fairly normal geezer apart from one thing (though I am hoping that this one thing isn't as abnormal as I think it is)
I have a feeling that I may be howled down over what I say later and I also hope that it stays within the law, for I am in no way promoting what I do, in any shape or form, but I'm interested to know that it is not just myself and partner that like to indulge.

Actually I do know that its not just me and her because I have had a number of girlfriends since my divorce and, though most were younger than me, almost all joined me in my vice.

Well here goes, and Serena if its not allowed then I'm sorry.

When I was younger I smoked 'pot, though in the UK it was almost exclusively hash. When I was stoned, or at a certain level of stoned, sex was absolutely amazing. Orgasms were incredibly intense, inhibitions disappeared, sex was just amazing. It was pretty bloody good when I was straight too, but the hash seemed to make it moreso. This progressed to 'experimenting' with other organic and chemical materials that you couldn't buy at Woolworths and in almost all cases it added a new dimension to sex.

OK, I don't think so far I've said anything too outrageous. We were all young and bullet-proof once, but.....

Finally he's getting to the point...

In 1983 I discovered MDMA otherwise known as Ecstasy. It was very popular within certain dance cultures and gay guys loved the stuff. Incidentally it was a gay friend (of my girlfriend, later wife) who gave me my first 'pill' and my God I loved it too (I am not at all promoting the stuff, it can twist and change some people in a similar-ish way that some can handle alcohol and some cannot.)
I loved the empathy and closeness I felt to all those that had taken some, the dancing at the nightclub was the best ever and music had never sounded so good (I drank next to no alcohol that night and smoked nothing) We left late to carry the party on at Neil (the gay guys) flat. Myself, Neil, my girlfriend, another rather stunning young woman and a couple of Neils friends. Once there we all had another pill, the music went on and off we boogied yet again......
.....Get to the bloody point you all scream....I will very soon
At some later stage I must have sat down on the couch and drifted off to sleep, albeit very lightly as I was still aware of the music...Now some rude stuff...
I woke up to my girlfriend (Rosanne) giving me kisses all over my face. What was more interesting was that Neil was giving me a rather excellent blowjob. I became aware that we were being watched by the other three people in the room and it didnt matter to me at all, in fact it was even more of a turn on.
I had never noticed any homosexual leanings in myself previously but I found the whole situation so erotically charged it was, as they say, like 'ecstasy' Rosanne moved her mouth from my lips to my ear and whispered "I want to watch you suck Neil's cock" and suddenly I wanted to do that more than anything.
That was the first time I had ever even seen another guys erect cock in real life and certainly the first time I had stroked one.
The feeling I had as I moved my mouth over the top of it was indescribable. I absolutely adored sucking it.Making him cum in my mouth the first time is undoubtedly one of the most amazing sexual experiences I have ever had (and I've had one or two)
What makes me think that I am abnormal (in some small way) is that I never grew out of using MDMA to turn good sex into great sex.
When used incorretly it can be as debilitating as any drug, legal or not. Leaving aside legalities and assuming I only ever use it overseas, we are adults and this is an adult site and I would like to start a sensible, non-sensational, balanced discussion about other adults attitudes to enhancing sexual pleasure using drugs (legal or otherwise)
I must state that I do not support, promote, judge, or any bloody thing you can think of, the taking of drugs or alcohol by consenting adult in their own home, car, office, back garden before they have a shag.

All I do say is that in the main I/we occasionally do have a bit of something we shouldnt as a pre-cursor to sex, which incidentlly can last seven or eight hours (WA is top of the world tree in amphetamine and MDMA usage per capita)

The very word 'drugs' instills fear into some people I know. Some of whom are drunks and some smoke, thats ok Coz u buyem at a shop!
I like to do what I do with who I like and with who likes me and well............

Please can we have a sensible discussion about...



can drugs improve sex?

Right or wrong.... yes they can. And they can also ruin it.
People may shoot me but once in a very long while I have used e with sex.. and for me its always been an enjoyable expereance.
But some people react to different substances differently.. A mate of mine cant get an erection while taking e and he just ends up very frustrated.


well i have smoked pot for much of my adult life and ive had lots of other things too i have nearly cut the pot out completely and i dont drink any more except for the odd drink.it is always great to do different things to add to the thrill of it all. that is why i am open to whom i have sex with that is why if i am asked il do just about anythin as long as WE ALL AGREE WE ALL ENJOY AND WE ALL KNOW WERE WE STAND. but i must admit as much as i love being stoned and bonking the best sex i ever had ,which i must say was at my last little party well no drugs nuthin, just the rush of a beautiful young lady who had me captivated at all time and the thrill of pleaseing her the night threw well i am simply speachless.. so on ur question can it ... yes it can.... no u r not alone ....but as my good friend sintoo says it CAN RUIN IT TOO...keep everythin in moderation ..


I agree moderation is the key....
I like the balance...
If I had to choose, I would choose sober sex as I find I'm much more creative and the feelings are so much better when all sensations are responding as fast as my brain.

I think that drugs/alcohol help break down inhibitions, especially when a little anxious....and its a great flirting, seductive, alluring tool but equalling sober has its benefits in this regards too.

I find sometimes simply a good laugh releases alot of happy endorphins which sets a good mood for pleasure:headbang:

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I appreciate your message on this.It is a sensitive subject but I think the discussion will help.I will change the title at some time.
For myself I was very anti all drugs as a teenager and young adult and pleased I never played with them as I feel I may have become addicted.
I first smoked pot at 28yrs of age and also found it made me sleepy or very horny.(depending on the company)
Over the last few years I have tried other substances and often convince myself that it was purely for research for when I do Talking Sex.
The truth is I was curious and also found that esctasy hightened the atsmosphere and had some amazing experiences.
As sexiness said in moderation it can be a great experience.
In NZ the government have allowed Party Pills to be sold from Garages, Deli's and sex shops, they must be sold with a bottle od water and cost about seven to $12 each depending on how many you buy.
My partner and I tried them and found them great.The best part is it is a consistent supply with 98% natural products.
I believe Australian authorities should also look at this as it takes all the black money off the market to put back into research for why some people go overboard on drugs.
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Mary Anne PA

Me personally, I like to be in control of myself and anything too chemical changing and I don't have that and would be paranoid.

Yes, I am against drugs, only because I see what a consistancy of them does to people all the time, and knowing my luck if I tried something it would be the time that it goes wrong.. LOL So have no curiosity to try anything at all, cept of course pot (don't get to try it often, but like it once in a blue moon). Does seem to increase heightency in sex, and I feel pot smoking is similar to drinking only on a less agressive way as it slows you down a bit and as said previous, can make you horny or sleepy.

Only other thing with drugs is yes the inhibitions go, but hope people don't forget the condoms at the same time.
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Aw shucks, Felix,,,

69FELIX said:
but i must admit as much as i love being stoned and bonking the best sex i ever had ,which i must say was at my last little party well no drugs nuthin, just the rush of a beautiful young lady who had me captivated at all time and the thrill of pleaseing her the night threw well i am simply speachless..

*BLUSHES* If you keep this up, I won't be able to make it to your next party, 'cos my head won't fit through the door! :sign10:


these words are but the truth my goddess. i worship the . hehehe


i got it wrong

Well yes my car is filthy, i am rude to taxi driver's i am overweight, foul mouthed ,grumpy a bad parent drink to much alchohol and i have casual sex with women i hardly even no.
I do not take illegal drug's perhap's i am doing something wrong.


well Littlebighorn look at the positive side,
your car is filthy=u save on water
u r overweight= u can still lose that
u r rude to taxi driver's=who isn't!!! hehe
foul mouthed=hmmm put somethin in it
grumpy =u need more sex
bad parent= there is always room to improve
u drink too much alcohol=drink less have more sex
u dont take illegal drugs = well thats ok have more sex
and u have sex with women you hardly know= well i know that feeling isn't it great...
doin something wrong ????????????????
we r all diff. buddy my advice practice more sex.. dont question it just enjoy it.. yeharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
well thats my 2cents worth

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Littlebighorn you are doing nothing wrong.The discussion is more about how do these drugs effect one's sexual performance.
It is interesting to note on research that esctasy was used in the 1950's by marriage consellers first.
When a couple had a problem esctsy wes prescribed to give these couples the warm loving feeling.
I find that with esctacy it makes you very cuddly and sensitive to your partners needs, the boys find the same feeling but it hinders their ability to have an orgasm so they can play and bonk for hours before they cum so therefore both parties recive more pleasure.
The party pills I spoke of in NZ have the same effect and for those interested the web site for Kandi party Pills is www.kandizone.com


Can drugs affect performance?

Yes, and i believe it can go with or against you.
From personal experience, back-in-the-day, i found MJ/marijuana heighted and really relaxed me when it came down to "gettin busy"
It also helped greatly when my partner and I wanted to go the "back route" or if the guy i was with at the time had a real big donger, i would light up a J and go for it..
I have experienced the euphoric sensation of ecstasy, only being twice, and absolutely adored it. The sense of touch was heightened to the heavens and the feeling of warmth of love was ecstatic, but unfortunately i have never experienced the joy of sex on ecstasy.
I can safely say, that if i ever did, and it was of good quality, im sure it would be MIND BLOWING!
But... i am too chicken to try it, as i would be to paranoid of dying or having some horrible reaction, especially with the quality of today's recreational drugsI'm wary. The chances of that happenening being small, but i seem to always be within those odds, so c'est la vie !!
Good posting though Littlebighorn!!

Kate VIP Perth

Manager @ Langtrees
Staff member
Foundation Member

Hello All,

Just thought I would add my 2 cents..

In my day (Pre Kids) I took a hell of a lot of drugs including Ecstasy. For me the feeling I got was more Sensual than sexual as much as sex was great it was the kissing and the touching that was the most amazing and water be it a shower, pool or spa nothing has come close to that since.

As for taking Ecstasy now I am terrifed it's amazing for me since having kids how much my thinking on chemical drugs Ecstasy, Trips has changed.



Thanks to all who have replied to this thread. I feared I may have been over-stepping a boundary or two but it appears not.
Particular thanks to Maryanne and apologies for the p/m (Should have read the red)
My partner is a Kiwi and has no idea what 'garage pills' are.Any chance of exanding on that Maryanne? Is this so called 'herbal ecstasy? Very responsible of the NZ gov't to insist that you must buy a bottle of water with them! I like the idea of somehow licensing the product and all profits used in drug education programmes. I have teenage children and obviously am concerned about what temptations may come their way, though I truly believe that I have an advantage over some parents in as much as I can speak to them on the subject with honesty and personal experience (and any other subject come to that)
Before my daughter began High school, myself and her mother attended a drug awareness seminar at her school.One of the 'workshops' afterwards was a Q and A with the 'expert' in whatever substance was their speciality, we chose to attend the ecstasy session first. It was run by a guy in is forties from Canada. Ex cop, ex headmaster and now ecstasy expert travelling the planet talking to parents and children on the subject.
After a few minutes of his presentation I truly did not know whether to laugh or cry.
The man spoke absolute drivel.
The funny stuff consisted of a combination of tabloid headline and urban myth purporting to be scientific observation. My amusement, though, quickly changed to anger as it dawned that this blantant nonsense was being labelled as the truth.
For God's sake if we are to educate on the subject then at all times tell the truth.
Seven years later I still cannot believe what I heard that night.
Sorry, if I am veering off thread but it is a subject that I am fairly passionate about. By the way my kids are well balanced individuals who don't do drugs or smoke cigarettes, but if they did they would not be afraid to talk to me about it.
I guess my point is this... and it runs parallel with Maryannes's.
License it, control it, tax it, talk about it (truthfully, good and bad)
We are talking about the second most cashed-up industry in the world here.
If we did some or all of the above (I like the deli idea) would we not see a dramatic fall in burglaries and other crimes associated with people desperate for cash to spend on something that was possibly manufactured in a plastic dustbin in some Neanderthals shed?
And littlebighorn may well be right and it is me that has it all wrong, but it is only by open and honest discussion that I'm ever going to learn that.
Thanks for your time people and for letting me rant on and on.
I appreciate your input and you'll all get a free copy of the book when it's published!


Should have read page 2

Thanks again for the further info.

I'd like to add that I/we dont have a pill or two everytime we have sex. It is more a case of heightening a great experience to one that at times has been better than anything.
And as Maryanne says a bonus for my partner is that I can go all night and don't orgasm (though her capacity for orgasm goes through the roof,) The fact that I don't usually orgasm has absolutely no bearing on how amazing it can be.
Correct again that the 'sensualness?' of the lovemaking is vastly enhanced. Combined with mood lighting, great music, cool drinks, warm massage oil, etc etc, the experience as a whole can be (insert superlative here)

And I know that we are talking about an 'illegal drug' here.

(Thanks for the email u know who and No I have never actually considered that my liver is probably 'full of holes???" and that my brain is 'liquid shit' or even that I have got a 'tiny dick'. Had I of known all these things in my twenty's I would never have tried the stuff. Thanks for your considered input though)

Next time someone calls me druggie or my partner a smelly crackhore (sic) I will seriously reflect on what an absolute bastard I really am and probably come to the conclusion that my particular drug of choice does not pollute anyone elses air, doesn't cause me to beat the crap out of someone because they are in front of me at the taxi rank but possession of which can put me in jail (Which is where I deserve to be, obviously)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Sorry you got an abusive email, please send me a private email and we can see this member is banned.We do not ban members lightly, but if he is not prepared to say it in the public arena and sends abusive emails privately, I think it should have serious consideration.
I think this post is important and in no ways encourages people to be drug addicts.
Isn't using esctasy to get more pleasure the same as using Viagra to maintain an erection, or a headache tablet to take away a headache.


I agree Maryanne with the viagra or headache pill comparison. I think what upsets some people is the fact that viagra and paracetamol are products that can be purchased on the High St. (as is MDMA in, I think, three states of America,)
Whereas in Australia our legislaters, in their wisdom, have decided we need to be protected from ourselves and therefore the end user deserves a criminal record.
My father once pointed out that; cigarettes are the only legally available product that when used according to the manufaturers instructions will actually kill you. I see ten year old kids using them in Northbridge every night.
Is there not a certain level of hypocrisy in a Gov't making a fortune in taxes from tobacco while at the same time flooding the media with pictures of gangrene riddled feet supposedly caused by smoking?
And while I'm on that particular soapbox, since when did the Government become the largest advertsiser in our media?
Don't speed, don't drink and drive, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't beat your wife, be alert (not alarmed) huh??. I'm waiting for the one that says 'Don't leave your house'
I can go into a deli and right behind the counter are a hundred different brightly coloured packages with stuff in them that could kill me....no worries.... I can hire a DVD that graphically displays a dozen different ways to torture and murder someone....no worries....but, if I want to buy a magazine that may contain an exposed nipple or two, it comes in a sealed black plastic bag in case an 'innocent' person may unwittingly be corrupted by its obscene content.
We are going backwards.
Thank God our protectors can't get their hands on the internet.
They would if they could.
Thanks again.
And Maryanne, the email(s) were from a hotmail address, overseas I think and I didn't find them insulting at all, just a bit hard to reason with.


Ecstacy (MDMA) is a rare commodity in Perth - White Doves, Green Mitsubishis, Blue Moons, Pink Nipples, Red Devils, Purple Dragons, Yellow Submarines etc are probably more of an amphet hybrid. As for using drugs as a sexual enhancer...why bother? Who wants to waste their time shagging when they are off their tits.

"To everything, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together"


MDMA is a rare commodity in Perth?
I think not. Granted there is some muck out there but to say most pills are some amphetamine mix or another is way off the mark.
I don't think anyone would advocate sex while stoned all the time but on occasion it can be absolutely mind blowing.
Ecstasy plus sex on the way down?? Better than Foxtel


Foundation Member
O.K. time for a rant.

One point hasn't been mentioned here and it really needs to be made.

MDMA, Eccies, Ice, Crystal Meth, Marijuana, Heroin etc all have one thing in common - THEY ARE ILLEGAL.

Now, I for one don't mind an occasional thumbing of the nose at authority, lord knows there is too much of it in this overgoverned society of ours. But spare a thought for the social cost, here and overseas, of this so-called "fun".

There are six Australians under sentence of death in Indonesia, and a couple more facing 20 years or so in a jail from which they will be lucky to emerge alive. Another was hanged in Singapore not so long ago. There are also hospital wards full of physical and mental wrecks created by irresponsible drug abuse or by poor quality drugs containing lord knows what contaminants. Add in the social costs of burglaries, robberies, bag-snatches etc committed by desperate junkies and the social costs of drug abuse are enormous.

Everyone who forks out good money for illegal substances not only contributes to this litany of misery and takes a stupid risk with their own health but also puts money into the pockets of some of the lowest scum on this planet. By this I mean the Mr Bigs of the crime world who live in million dollar homes, live off the fat of the land and buy their way out of any legal trouble which comes their way. Every pill, puff or hit bought contributes to their wellbeing and that thought alone is enough for me to leave illegal substances strictly alone.


Foundation Member
Firstly Welcome to the Forum svengali!!

Good points made and I agree if ever I partake in a bit of illegal drugs it's mostly always in my own home or with friends occasionally.

I will only ever have a bit of mull as it gives me the most fantastic orgasms that go on and on and on. I just have it now and again for a buzz.


Driving at 61kph in a sixty zone is illegal.
I'm not the Messiah
I'm just a very naughty boy


I hate contributing to the wealth of W H O and Wills shareholders but being a smoker, and the Gov't allows me to buy my drugs from the deli, I guess I will continue to contribute. More fool me.
Ecstasy doesn't make me cough as much either
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