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Driving in Sydney Sucks


Tania Admin

Seriously OMG,,,the dudes over here have never heard of road rules,,unless cutting people off is required to get a license over here....Loving cruising around in The Alpha though,,,I think I want a sports car now...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Driving in Perth sucks as well.........especially when it rains and you are in a hurry on a Saturday morning. Not only is every f***king traffic light red :)BangHead:).....what about the 50/50 change to get a green light?????? doesn't work for me.........but most of the drivers seem to have unlimited time to block the roads.......sigh........don't drive in Perth when you are in a hurry........super frustrating.



Legend Member
Having driven in all cities of Aust, I can say that Sydney drivers are the worst.

Also having worked for an insurance company, Sydney drivers pay double the premiums for the same vehicle as in Perth - all due to the higher accident rate (not costs of replacement or repair which are about the same).

I have also driven in Chicago, LA, New York & London (all with more people and cars than Sydney) and Sydney is by far the worst. Chicago was the best (8 million people).

Naughty Thoughts

Over the next ten to thirty years we should see a bit of an improvement as the new drivers are (supposedly) getting more training time due to having to keep a logbook and spend more time driving supervised, and older drivers are removed from the pool.

Having said that, in Perth I've noticed that a lot of people drive assuming that everyone else will just follow the road rules and let them concentrate on other things instead. However, when lights are out or flashing amber - traffic flows reasonably well since drivers are forced to pay attention and watch what other cars are doing.


I was watching tv this morning and there has been a few bad car accidents in Sydney overnight. Looks like our Smiley has been leaving a trail of destruction behind her. lol.

Tania Admin

I was watching tv this morning and there has been a few bad car accidents in Sydney overnight. Looks like our Smiley has been leaving a trail of destruction behind her. lol.

I do enjoy your humour Gentleman :)

But in my defense we cabbed it last night,,the cab ride itself was an experience, to Quote my Bestie's comment to one cab driver last night "the cabbies over here could drive in Perth with their eyes closed". We even saw buses driving over the curbs to turn corners. Whoa,,crazy stuff...


Legend Member
I was once in a Sydney cab which was driving really oddly. When I asked what was the problem he said "my brakes have gone and I don't have the time to get them fixed as the car would be off the road for a day and cost $$'. I got out at the next red light and waited for another cab.


Sydney's traffic and road manners (or lack thereof) are a reflection of living in Sydney I find. I find many Sydney-siders are very aggressive in supermarkets, as pedestrians - it's almost like New York's "you snooze - you lose" mentality.

This aggression is reflected even in driving - around the CBC no one gives way no matter how long the car in front has its indicator on. So it encourages a "survival of the fittest/too bad mate" mentality I find.

As Perth's population increases and traffic booms along on such tiny roads - the same is starting to happen here.


Gold Member
Sydney is one of the easiest cities to drive in.
Huge volumes of traffic mean you have to know where you are going and where to position well ahead of turns.
Indicate, 3 clicks and move and there will be a slot for you and thats in morning speedway traffic.
It's called merging and is something Perth drivers have no idea about.
Don't move and you will be ignored and stuck for ages.
Don't hesitate at lights or you will have tyre tracks on your roof.

It's all really simple, just doit.


Foundation Member
Hafta agree with Whilom.

When I drove in Sydney I found the traffic faster than I was used to but very orderly and courteous and, after 40 years of driving, I saw "zipper merging" in action for the first time.

What a revelation that was.

I was in the left lane on a Freeway with an entry lane on my left and a merge coming up and noticed that all the cars charging up the on-ramp were double spaced as were the cars in my lane. I hastily conformed and the two lanes just zippered together losing about 5km/h in the process. Compare that with the rugby scrum on the Mitchell freeway where people toddle down the on-ramps at 60k's nose to tail and try to "merge" with 100km/h traffic also nose to tail.

We could learn a lot from Sydney drivers.


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I would rather drive in Miami ... on the wrong side of the road... on the wrong side of the car... on the wrong side of the world
Sydney sucks


toatally agree with you on that one rochelle driving in the wet is soooo awful in perth tooo. nice one smiley yea i want a chrysler

Perth boy

The problem in Australia is no one gives way and they are all in a hurry. Everyone wants to be in front. Try drive in places like Bangkok, Manila or even China. A lot more cars on the road and when you first look at it or are in a cab it looks like a total mess. When you build up the balls to get in and drive your self its really easy and much safer than in Australia. Why? because no agro, everyone looks out for each other, everyone will give way. Love the rule that you can turn left on a red light. Merging thats the key and Ozzy's just can not do it without getting agro.


Driving in Perth is much nicer. more relaxed and chilled in the traffic. No one is really in a hurry. Peak hour? Our peak hour to a Londoner is a breeze.


Legend Member
Correct Gemma. Everyone compares to their own 'normal' experience. I have driven 35 kms on the freeway in morning rush hour in 30 minutes (half of drive was each side of the narrows bridge, so in Perth's heavy traffic), and felt comfortable to do my work when I arrived - no stress.

Tania Admin

I'm definitely glad to be back on Perth roads, I feel a lot safer that is for sure.


Absolutely 100% agree with you!!!! Australians and Merging just don't seem to fit!


Yea, much of Sydney is a nightmare, too over-crowded, too cramped, too hap-hazard roads & traffic areas.
Love some areas in Sydney but driving through it can be a real pain.