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Couples On Reddit Shared Their Weirdest Sex Habits


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
In a thread on AskReddit someone asked the question “Redditors in relationships, what’s the strangest thing you do with your significant other that you wouldn’t tell your friends?”

How funny are some of these?? Pure gold!

Hamstering (via arnooldpoomer)

My girlfriend pretends to be a hamster where the bed is her cage and my dick is her water spout.
She’ll do normal hamster stuff like create little nests in the pillows and snuggle or scurry around and burrow in corners. But when it’s time for water she swiggity swooties her booty to my spout and sucks it dry.

Like A Sir! (via tylerdurden801)

If her tits are out, sometimes I’ll walk over and put my eye on her nipple and pretend it’s a monocle and talk like the Monopoly man.

Lol, baby carrots (via Callmebobbyorbooby)

After we have sex and I’ve shrank back down, she likes to grab my penis with her thumb and forefinger and examine my dick while telling me “aw it looks like a baby carrot”. She knows how to make a guy feel special.

Last, But Not Least! (via tightnshiny)

All kinds of kinky fetish stuff. A few nights ago we fucked in a huge, clear PVC bag with an inside zip. Really sweaty and lots of fun. To my surprise she really enjoyed it too.