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Consent and avoiding nastier establishments


Gold Member
I was going to post this in response to a new advertising thread but that's probably undesired by significant people.

I'd be grateful if reviews of venues could mention general vibes, such as whether staff are friendly to each other and not just professionally pleasant, whether ladies are paraded together for customers with less opportunity to avoid some customers, whether ladies can negotiate services with customers without any management involvement, and how many ladies stay there for years.

I'm asking because many (about 3/4 of medium-large accounting firms in my industry) workplaces are toxic but I expect this industry would make a toxic workplace far worse.

Otherwise, I generally track adverts for some time just so I can compare how many ladies stay for ages or choose to return after being away for months. I return to Langtrees and some other places because the number of ladies who remain for years (or return) indicates that management can't be that bad for them. In any industry, businesses with higher staff turnover tend to have other issues that customers can't initially see.

I acknowledge these raise pointed questions but I'd rather err towards enthusiastic consent over bare consent, and we are morally culpable if we recklessly choose to not ask questions. Moral culpability is more important than legal culpability for people who would like to be good regardless of lawfulness. I've also been told that ensuring enthusiastic consent is sexy.


Legend Member
Great post Nev. I admire and endorse your thoughts. In our enthusiasm to find experiences that fulfil our needs of the moment we also need to ensure those that meet our needs are doing so because it's their free choice. It's an issue with some AMP's in Australia and throughout the rest of the world. Many are legit and the ladies are voluntarily involved to make money to send to family and children to help create a better life. Some are traffickers and should be called out at every opportunity, they are slavers, the worst of the worst. I confess I don't do AMP's (ok, ok maybe less than 5 times in my life) because I hate the idea that a woman has to please me for $$ to feed, clothe and educate her kids and extended family in her home country. It's not sexy, when you think she's doing what she's doing because she has to in order to be a good mother. It takes but a moment and just a little emotional intelligence to gauge if the lady you are with has a story to tell that you should listen to......for her sake. And for you to make a difference.

Dood Deleted 66783

I confess I don't do AMP's (ok, ok maybe less than 5 times in my life) because I hate the idea that a woman has to please me for $$ to feed, clothe and educate her kids and extended family in her home country. It's not sexy, when you think she's doing what she's doing because she has to in order to be a good mother. It takes but a moment and just a little emotional intelligence to gauge if the lady you are with has a story to tell that you should listen to......for her sake. And for you to make a difference.
I get the point and the context but isn't it good that (provided she's not a sex slave) the AMP woman thanks to you is able to feed her kids, send them to school or clothe them? What would the alternative be? Drug pushing, child slavery?

And playing devil's advocate don't Caucasian women do the same - please you for $$ to feed, clothe and educate their kids. Or would you prefer to pay $600 for an Aussie to make more money from you than is decent?


Diamond Member
I get the point and the context but isn't it good that (provided she's not a sex slave) the AMP woman thanks to you is able to feed her kids, send them to school or clothe them? What would the alternative be? Drug pushing, child slavery?

And playing devil's advocate don't Caucasian women do the same - please you for $$ to feed, clothe and educate their kids. Or would you prefer to pay $600 for an Aussie to make more money from you than is decent?
I worked for fifty years in many different occupations,never the sex industry,and colleagues prostrating themselves for material gain was universal.
Amorality and avarice at every turn. You don’t have to be a sex slave.


The Gnome
Diamond Member
I worked for fifty years in many different occupations,never the sex industry,and colleagues prostrating themselves for material gain was universal.
Amorality and avarice at every turn. You don’t have to be a sex slave.
You only have to look at the media industry to see how people are effectively prostituting themselves to do the bidding of their masters … let alone politicians.


Gold Member
Amorality and avarice at every turn. You don’t have to be a sex slave.
I expect amorality but if you're sapient then your behaviour is your choice. I don't want amoral friends even if the rest of society is as amoral as a bank. My male eyes would probably have no idea if somebody is a slave and required to hide it, but (I'm an autistic accountant/auditor) I'm much better at analysing organisations than analysing people.

BUT my alleged morality is tinged: I've never had an uncomfortable woman come inside me, regardless of how they moan.