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Christmas 2012


Tania Admin

Well I must say I feel good about Christmas this year. Naughty Thoughts and I hit the shops on Saturday and have our Christmas pretty much all wrapped up. Barbie Collection, electric guitar and amp, drum stands, motorbike gear, perfume and cologne, should have some happy smiles on the kids faces. Only a couple of final touches left. Big sigh....Feels awesome to not have left it to the last moment. How are you all going for Christmas 2012?

Perth boy

Have not done a thing yet. I'm the type of person that leaves it to a few days before then gets stressed because to many people at the shops.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
With all my family overseas.........no worries. We decided ages ago to spare us the stress of presis. Usually they arrive a lot later or already opened or not at all. The only thing I put some effort in are xmas cards. So very relaxed xmas for me ;)



Can I put in a word for opp shops? They're a great way to buy Christmas gifts as they give twice - to the charity and to the person.

And if the person so desires - they can redonate it to the opp shop.


Legend Member
Im hopeless at buying gifts. Hate all the stress leading up. Even if Im not stressed I catch it off other poeple, can just feel it all around me.


Another World Member
Legend Member
hey imnot a tight arse or anything like that...but to me its just another day to get thru.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Ohhh Eye, Buying Rum by the case, let’s see now just checking off my Pirate Santa List;- Hmmmm;---First mate gets a Rum,(Check) Second Mate gets a Rum (check), girl Friday gets a Rum(check), Crew members gets to share a burrow of Rum;---Hmmm I will need a few more cases
Here a really fun commerical clip