• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Legend Member
So many things have changed in so many ways...

What are some of the big changes you have seen???

I think for me, the first thing that comes to mind is computers.

I can remember as a young child going to a friends place to try and play PAC MAN on his Atari, then as a teenager waiting outside the school computer room hoping to be first in so that I could get the only color monitor and play FROGGER on a Commadore 64.
Then later this thing called the internet came out and so I tried playing a game called Utopia where you had to build a city and plan ahead. You had to wait until the next day to find out if somebody else had beaten you.
Now I`m struggling to play a game where it is in 3D, better quaility then my tv set, you can communicate with players from all over the world and be able to download music at the same time...

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Oh, I so agree billybones, we must be around the same age, cause I have the same memories!

I also can't believe the change and advancement with cars. You can now buy cars that you press a button and it does the reverse parking for you! It took me 3 goes to get my P plates because I sucked at reverse parking! (no female driver jokes please!) You can now watch your favourite TV show while driving to work or home, your car can even answer your phone for you, and so on and so on!

Thanks for listening!

Lisa xxx


Maybe you should have stopped sucking while reverse parking? Watching telly while driving sounds like a recipe for disaster unless you're chauffeur driven.


Not attempting to hijack but feel free to add to this list...

Do you remember your childhood in Australia ?

Those were the days

Close your eyes....And go back....
Before the Internet or the MAC
Before semi automatics and crack
Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...
Way back.......
I'm talking about "spotlight" at camp.
"Murder In The Dark".
Playing Catch and Kiss until the street lights came on.
About "Please" and "Thankyou"
What's the time Mr. Wolf?
Running through the sprinkler on the school oval
Hot Chooks and cold Cottees cordial
Watching ABC in the afternoons
G-Force, Voltron, Astro, My Secret Valley, Inspector Gadget and the "Froggy" song in between Playschool and Sesame Street
And the ads... Rita, the Eta eater, Palmolive, the Panadol lady and
"Boooob Jaaaaaaaane - T Mart"
When there was TAA and Telecom... got together.
Everything you needed to know you could learn on "Simon Townsends
Wonder World" (I still refer to it!)
Wanting to audition for The Young Talent Team (Bevan Addinsal and Joey
Perroni - what gods!)
Catching taddies in a jar
Christmas day... Roast lunch, cricket on the telly
Your first day of school
Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses
Climbing trees (and falling out and climbing back up)
When all you wanted to do on a hot day was "wrap yer laughing gear around a
Pauls Billabong"
Agro and "Wombat"
Rainy days at school meant watching "Phar lap" or "Man from Snowy River " in
the "AV" room.
Mosquito bites, sandfly bites and sealice.
Aerogard ... 'ava good weekend
Jumping down the steps
Jumping on the bed.
Pillow fights
Running till you were out of breath
Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt
Being tired from playing....
Your first crush......Remember that?
I'm not finished yet....
Red Frogs and Chokitos
Dinking your friends on your bike
"Back To School" sales
School Camps
Having to wear a teatowel around your neck to eat a mango
Watermelon seed spitting competitions
When 20 cents seemed like decent pocket money, and fifty cents was a
Remember discovering "Rage"? And remember discovering Rage played "rude"
songs late at night?
Trying to stay up all night to watch Rage?
When your town got McDonalds?
When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to the fate
that awaited a misbehaving student at home.
Didn't that feel good, just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that!
I want to go back to the time when............
Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo" (and "racing car number
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "Monopoly"
It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.
Being old, referred to anyone over 15.
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was "germs".
Nobody was prettier than Mum.... except maybe Delvene Delaney on "Sale Of A Century" (and the Paul Hogan show!)
Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better. And the lady in sick bay
never wore latex gloves to put on a Bandaid.
It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the "big people" rides at the show.
Going to The Royal Easter Show in Sydney was the ultimate!
Abilities were discovered because of a "Dare" "Double Dare" "PHYSICAL
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate ultimate weapon. (hee hee and the garden hose!!)
Jumping off the paling fence on to the trampoline was a good idea
Slip 'n slide on the back lawn was a day of summer fun
Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.

Getting together with all the kids from the neighborhood and building a bonfire for the Queens Birthday weekend or as we called it Guy Forks night, and letting
off crackers...

When you gave a Christmas present to the “garbo” and the “postie”.

When you used to play at the swamp before it was called “the Gardens”.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Thank you for this thread. I too enjoy taking fond memories from the past and sharing them here collectively to generate good feelings.

Made me realise that although the past is in effect useless to most of us as it is gone already. It is nice to bring some of it temperarily into the present to create situations that are enjoyed.

Oh and for me, a large change is how fights and grumbles between kids to to be to clean and simple. In the days of the past I come home and tell my dad I was bullied. Dad encourages me to stand up for myself and teaches me technical skill to do so. I train for a period that did me a lot of good physially, emotionally, and spiriually. I have an afterschool fight. Who ever wins matters not. We get our energy out and often shake hands and gain a new friend. If no we move on grudge free.

In recent times there is much beurocracy, thus people use much more unaccountable ways to inflict hurt on one another. Like the Internet.

But then all is alright, and there is no golden era. As our next gens will see our seemingly messed up times as the golden era as we evolve on.


Legend Member
Think I`m started to shake... I must be really old, I remember all but about 3 - 4 of Big Blacks moments in history. I can remember walking from school to the Port Cinema in Freo to go see The man from Snowy River and I can remember thinking that Benny Hill playing with the ladys was a bit rude but it made me want to watch it even more...

I think they should have made Agro P.M

Farm Boy

Hay BBC can you tell us about THE ARGONAUTS without using Google