Can you remember??


Legend Member
A friends daughter has just started her first ever real job and it got me thinking way back to mine.
So what was your first paying job?

I started helping in my local deli and although I thought it was simply the best because I could eat and drink as much as I wanted to, it seems my pay should have been a lot higher then it was.
But when you consider that I was only getting $4 pocket money before even $20 made me feel like a millionaire.

I`m also lucky as well, because although many years have passed and I don`t work there anymore, I can still stop by and eat and drink as much as I want for free....:angel1:


A journalist for a mining/minerals/petroleum exploration magazine. This was way before the internet came along and killed off print media of course.

Great job for a young graduate, travel, learning new stuff and getting paid decently.

As a student, I used to wash cars for a car rental company on weekends. Cash pay and it paid for my share of rent as a student in a 3 person student household in Leederville.


Legend Member
School holidays I was general dogs body for one of the local shearing teams.
The money was fantastic for a kid in the late 70's I got $90 one week if I remember rightly
The things you could buy with that much was incredible It was a shame the parents took half and banked it for me


Not trying to hark back to one of those "good old days" conversations but whilom when I look at workplaces these days in rationalization, shareholders who need to be paid and how companies aren't loyal to employees hence you get the vice versa attitude, it saddens me.

Capitalism is a load of bollocks and while socialism doesn't deliver the goods either, I do think that privatization is the crappiest/rationalization of all.

So many good people with a sense of customer service and experience have been lost.

Perth boy

First job was with a bottleo in Cannington. This was a yard that collected all the empty glass bottles for those youngseters. Had to pull all the bottles out of clients cars and stack them in plastic or wooden crates. Got $1 a hour for a 48 hour week. My tight ass boss even made us buy our own drinks. After a while I got an apprentiship and the money was much better at $78 and only 40 hours.

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Legend Member
I still remember my first job was working with Social Service for the Children In Need, and that time I was only 15yrs old and the youngest in the team. Was really very happy to spend my time doing that work. šŸ˜