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Aussie gets Blow job In Iraqi


Foundation Member
Part of me wants to payout on this kid who allegedly died in a suicide bombing.
To go and fight for the barbaric ISIS is worthy of a violent passage to Allah.
But I read this kids was a victim of bullying during his life and I start to have some empathy for him.
These ISIS are smart fuckers. Preying on the weak and vulnerable. They offer this kid fame and recognition ...the chance to be great.. to get back at all those who bullied him.. They would assimilate with his personality .

Its scary


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Here one headline article

Here part of the article
"But Iraqi military spokesman General Tahssin Ibrahim said while people had died in the wave of car bombings in Ramadi, Bilardi's sacrifice had come to nothing.
"He never do anything, he just killed himself, he just destroy some cars," General Ibrahim told ABC on Friday"

I hear where you are coming from Buzz, but Fanatics assimilating with the vulnerable people is there main weapon, if you are silly enough to believe in their viewpoint, you will be silly enough to blow yourself-up.
I feel very sad for his family and their loss.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member


Legend Member
I guess one needs to read their Quran closely...if it advocates death as an accelerated path to the harem and heaven.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
ISIS works with the basic needs of human beings (as did the NAZIS and to some extend does the military) a group to belong to, people to relate to, a -so called- higher course that combines the group and delivers a purpose of life, all for one-one for all, a strong leadership, getting told what to do, no doubt who your enemy is.......It is so simplified but so successful and that's why it is so scary. It has been and still is part of human history. Some people are more perceptive to it then others, some people grave to lose themselves as individual and just belong and do whatever is required. scary


Gold Member
People aspire to be heroic. We need non destructive ways of allowing this to happen. Young men especially need a legitimate outlet for aggression to allow a sense of worth. We need to offer better alternatives to gangs, especially religious ones.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
It also highlights the lack of critical thinking skills, with youngsters too easily swallowing the slick propaganda of the IS death cult. If Nazi and Soviet propaganda should have taught us one thing it is to have kids educated to be more sceptical of such nonsense -- though I suppose that would backfire on our political parties during election campaigns!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
I agree XLNC but how to educate kids not to fall for clever propaganda? Propaganda like media is a strong force not to be taken lightly. It influences the subconsciousness and people often even don't realize why the are so attracted to a certain opinion followed by action.
The NAZI propaganda is the best example for it. They knew exactly who to target and how. Well done I have to admit. ISIS does the same. They want to target a certain group of people. What ever the causes are they need them for determine the 'style' of propaganda........again...scary.


Gold Member
It also highlights the lack of critical thinking skills, with youngsters too easily swallowing the slick propaganda of the IS death cult. If Nazi and Soviet propaganda should have taught us one thing it is to have kids educated to be more sceptical of such nonsense -- though I suppose that would backfire on our political parties during election campaigns!

Exactly governments want critical thinking skills only applied to others never themselves. Getup is loathed by government for the spotlight it shines on them.


Legend Member
There were lots of brain washing and conditioning in the Nazi regime...so did many regimes that use kids. Kids are easily influenced and they made use of this. I saw a documentary some many moons ago, kids as young as 8...was used in the scheme of blowing innocent people up. They were told to press the button and they go to heaven. Wtf is heaven? At the cost of that many lives and the kid was clueless to what heaven is.

Driver Harry

Couldn't give a crap about the kid! He would have done something stupid here which would have been worse.
If you are going to blow something up it's better to do it in that dusty shit hole.

If you nuked the ME all you would do is shift the rocks and sand around anyway.

P.S. Hmm maybe having a bad start to my day :p


Gold Member
At the end of the day, yes he went to join a terrorist group but he still is a human being and has a family that would care about him. Part of me doesn't care because of who he joined, but part of me does, because there is another life wasted to this endless cause.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
plus what works for one......will certainly work for others too..........