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Amyl Nitrite in Western Australia

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1. Is the stuff legal?
2. Anywhere we can buy it over the counter?
3. Anyone recommend an internet site they have bought it from before?
4. Any one got any first hand experience with the it?



Foundation Member
Yes, it is freely avalable by prescription and is still the favourite drug for countering angina pectoris which is a very scary and painful condition involving all the classic symptoms of a heart attack. A tablet dissolved under the tongue provides very quick relief but there are several good preventatives available too so a proper assessment by a cardiologist is a good idea.


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contraindicated for those taking the little blue Viagra pills.


Quest update!

OK, ordered some Rush online from:

Link is broken,so has been taken down

Arrived today, from NZ, declared on the customs form as an inkjet refil, fictitious return address C/O the same last name as mine.

Looks authentic, may post a follow up here later...
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Foundation Member
As a matter of curiosity, are you using this stuff for its intended medical reasons or for kicks?? If you have any heart problems you really should have them assessed properly, not go dosing yourself up with stuff bought off the web.


Oh definitly medical reasons, ( F ) half has acute angina (great tits too) :) We only have sex for procreation...


Well, we got the stuff, it's kinda fun. :) Gives a few minutes of feeling warm, a little dizzy & somewhat high, a little like alcohol, but much quicker. Does seem to enhance orgasm, if you get the timing right.

Will probably order seom more one this lot runs low. :)

Mrs Langtrees

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Foundation Member
A curious fact about this product is most sex stores sell it as a video head cleaner, its under the counter, I believe illegal to sell but not to own.
I was with someone at customs once who had some they sniffed it looked the person over and moved on which surprised the hell out of me.



Encouraged by my success in obtaining a bottle of Rush, and kinda liking the stuff, I placed an order for another 5. Its cheaper in bulk, less postage and 5 will last us years. I got a letter soon after from Australia Post, saying that this item could not be delivered by post, as it was "flammable & toxic". I was invited to pick it up myself, from the airport, with ID. Was a bit nervous, but I went out there & grabbed it today, the package had been opened, so clearly its contents were known, but they gave it to me with no hassle.

Seems to validate the assertion of many people that this stuff is legal.


Foundation Member
Seems to validate the assertion of many people that this stuff is legal.

So is petrol, and that will give you a nice 'high' too, no doubt enhance orgasm if you time it right........sorry, but I am astounded that anyone would deliberately inhale unmetered amounts of a chemical that is so obviously crossing the blood-brain barrier


You need to get out more. Fact is that most people use recreational drugs.


So do I, my health is excellent, & my intellectual functioning is legendary. If anything, I could even afford to loose a few IQ points. My drug use has cost society nothing, I have always worked, paid tax, and looked after myself & my family and volenteered for various community activities. I did my 3 years in the army. If everyone were as intelligent, hardworking & honest as myself, it would be the dawn of a new golden age!

Bugger this silly thread, I am off to have a beer, not too worried if you don't approve!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I think this thread is moving off line.
Adult Forums is about tolerance, and trying to understand why someone may like something that does not appeal to us personally.
We try to be non judgemental.
This thread is one of those sticky ones, it started asking where it could be found and was the substance legal.
Now its turning into a debate about the rights and wrongs og drugs in general.
Lets stop it now and keep it new information only.


Maryanne is completely right. Go to a sex shop in Northbridge and ask for it at the counter as video head cleaner and youre ready to rock.

Was at a party a few months back and we shared a bottle around the room, just because most of us hadnt had it before. Most I got was a headache... but most drugs dont do anything for me so it isnt surprising. Everyone else seems to be having a great time.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
About $25 from memory.Amol can have some pretty wierd effects on some people, especially the head ache. I personally recommend this is a social drug that should not be encoraged.
It can take you to some very dark places.


I ordered online from:
Link is broken,so has been taken down
From memory, a single bottle was around $30, while 5 was $100, including delivery. A bottle lasts a long time.
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Maryanne: "Amyl can take you to some very dark places" ? Huh? I didn't think it was really that kind of drug. Are you suggesting it could promote unintended mood changes & violent behaviour, along with various regrets & memory loss the next morning like alcohol? Trigger off underlying psychosis like ice or dope? Produce a "bad trip like LSD, Psilocybin Ibogaine or Yage" Something else?

The headaches I agree with, in some people. I would also advise anyone not to walk around, fainting is a possibility if you over do it.

I found Rush to be fairly mild, & plesent, I could not see any metaphorical gateway to the "very dark places". It's also rather quick, you are only high for a few mins.

If you have a cite online, backing up your assertions, post me a link, I woud be interested.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Different Amyl will take you different places. It also depends how deeply you sniff or absorb amyl into your system.
I think like chocolate bickkies the occasional one dosen't do to much harm, a packetful is likely to put on a kilo.


LOL, excellent point, moderation is a good thing. I agree that most recreational drug use can easily get out of hand, and cause great harm, while moderate use can be a lot of fun. Most of us have met a few sad individuals who have a couple of shots of whisky or a few cones as soon as they get out of bed. I guess some could end up the same way on Rush.

Lets all ahve lots of moderation! :)


LOL, was not planning on doing anything as bizairre as this guy! The article you cite specifically states "Adverse effects associated with recreational inhalation of nitrites are usually mild and rarely life-threatening." Sounds pretty safe to me!


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Foundation Member
Anal Anyone?

1. Is the stuff legal?
2. Anywhere we can buy it over the counter?
3. Anyone recommend an internet site they have bought it from before?
4. Any one got any first hand experience with the it?


To answer your first question No! Amel Nitrate is not legal for the public to buy for its original purpose (heart attack reviver) in Western Australia. The purchase of it as a dvd cleaner, furniture polish, video head cleaner or room deodoriser however is not a problem.

I know of 3 shops that sell it discretely ClubX in Burswood, Vibrations on Charles street and InXtasy in Mt Lawley, the later being the most couple friendly of the three.
A bottle of Amel can cost anywhere from $25 for a small watered down bottle to $75 for a large super strong bottle. Watch for the bottles with the little white balls inside as I have found these to be very short lived. Remember also to keep the bottles well sealed and refrigerated when not using them. Otherwise you will find that when you next go to use them you that the bottle is either empty (evaporated) or just has a horrid chemical smell and no affect.

Amel Nitrate should be avoided at all cost if you suffer from any heart problems and discontinued for the duration if a headache should occur. Like all drugs moderation is the key.

As to firsthand experience Well HELLO YUMMO! I love the stuff!
The drug causes the sphincter muscles to relax making anal sex and play so much more fun. It also makes the blood flow faster making your genitals that much more sensitive and orgasm easily reached. Besides all that it gives you a lovely little buzz for a few minutes and gives a boost to any other drug you might be on.

Hope that helps xxx

Mary Anne PA

why anyone would think this was safe with no adverse after affects gets me. Is that the same with the indiginous who sniff petrol or glue as well?
I mean each to their own that want to do it, but suffer the long term consequences as with all drugs which may not show up till many years down the track.


why anyone would think this was safe with no adverse after affects gets me. Is that the same with the indiginous who sniff petrol or glue as well?
I mean each to their own that want to do it, but suffer the long term consequences as with all drugs which may not show up till many years down the track.

I am with you Serena - i am not a fan of any drugs. Did all that stuff when i was a young un, then turned around one day and saw what high grade prescription painkillers did to a very close relative and that was it. I drink (not usually to excess) and that is about it.


I think I may have mentioned before, nearly everyone takes recreational drugs, all of which can have adverse effects. Personally I avoid tobacco, as it's unacceptably risky, and not really all that much fun. Alcohol, dope & nitrites I find OK in moderation, although I have limited tolerance for alcohol, & prefer to avoid it & dope when I need to drive or think clearly the next day. Caffeine I have a bit of problem with, I have about 8 strong cups a day. Rush has the advantage of being short lived, and leaves no noticeable “hangover”, or residual effects the next day.

From my reading & experience, nitrites are not that bad a deal on the risk/pleasure continuum.

I find it strange that people smoke tobacco, with its well proven dangers & minimal pleasure.

To each their own!


As to firsthand experience Well HELLO YUMMO! I love the stuff!
The drug causes the sphincter muscles to relax making anal sex and play so much more fun. It also makes the blood flow faster making your genitals that much more sensitive and orgasm easily reached. Besides all that it gives you a lovely little buzz for a few minutes and gives a boost to any other drug you might be on.

Hope that helps xxx

Thanks for explaining what it actually does Barbie and why it makes sex better......interesting stuff :)

Rocket Queen

I used to use it when I was in my early 20's for a cheap high (was good to have just as I started my Orgasm) and I brought it over the counter in KingsX at the sex stores there.

You have to be careful how you sniff it as a friend woke up in the morning and his nose was all ulcerated as it has spilt on his nose and he never cleaned it off.
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