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Replies for MaryAnne's Thailand Diet & Medical experiences

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I have been travelling for last two and a half months around the world. In New York and America I put on nearly 5 kilos, all the food portions were big but the alcohol measures where enormous and with both together bingo...... fat, fat, fat.
I have stopped off in Bangkok for a month to get fit and lose this weight.
Staying in a great serviced apartment in the heart of town that has its own gym.
To keep committed to this thing thought i'd start this diet post so every day I can write what I did to make a difference.
Yesterday was my first day.
Fruit for breakfast one coffee,
Japanese beancurd and vegetables for tea and a little fish.
About 10 bottles of water, last night I went out and kept to water at $8 a bottle.
Walked about 8 kilometres, a little shopping but kept the walk brisk.
Today so far.
Fruit breakfast, one coffee
40 minute work out in the gym, machines and weights. Feeling pretty puffed but handled a little more than I thought I could. I keep the weights one over minimum. I will try to keep up every few days.
One bottle of water so far.
Any tips appreciated.
By the way starting weight is 75 kilos, last Saturday.
Today 9.00am, 74 kilos. I will weigh myself once to twice a week, should keep it to once but I always get tempted.
Goal 68 kilos or lose of 6 more kilos in 30 days.
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Talk is cheap, we want pics of the weight coming off :) :)
You may be 51 but your photos show the body of someone a lot younger. But as I said, we need proof.;D

Sex will help as well ( but I'm sure you know that). hehe


Naughty Thoughts

If I may be so bold:

A good strategy is to eat more, not less - but of the right foods of course!

Fruit and veggies are best, but if you're traveling around then there may be an increased risk with that. Basically, you want stuff that your body can absorb quickly. The less it's been processed, the better. Wholemeal rather than white bread, skinless chicken rather than beef, rice instead of pasta, that sort of thing.

The reason for eating more and more often is that if you cut down your intake of food in general, your body will respond with "oh no, it's a famine! Quick, start creating reserves of fat!" Meaning that your muscles start to get converted to fat and all non-essential functions start to be shut down. That's why people feel low on energy and lose weight: fat weighs less than muscle.

They are losing weight, but becoming unfitter (is that a word???).

However, when you eat more and more often (say, six light meals rather than three or two large ones) then your body starts shedding excess fat (it thinks "hey - don't need these reserves") and starts building muscle.

Which is where a lot of people become unstuck! They eat better and exercise more and find that they are gaining weight rather than losing it. But the important thing to keep in mind is why! As mentioned above, muscle is denser and heavier than fat, so if you go from a fairly lax lifestyle to a more pro-health one then you might find yourself gaining weight.

But! (And this is the important bit) you'll find that the soft bits that make a person cuddly and fun to hug start to disappear, you have more energy, you feel better, you can breathe easier and you'll feel happier overall. This is because you start to become healthier. So don't judge yourself purely on what the scales say - there's more to it than that.

And the water is a great idea: drink as much as you feel like.

Mary Anne PA

Ken i be worthy missus kenworthy

I have been travelling for last two and half months around the world.In New York and America I put on nearly 5 kilo's, all the the food portions were big but the alchol measures where enorous and with both together bingo...... fat fat fat.
I have stopped of in Bangkok for a monthe to get fit and lose this weight.
Staying in a great serviced apartment in the heart of town that has its own gym.
To keep committed to this thing thought i'd start this diet post so every day I can write what I did to make a diffence.
Yesterday was my first day.
Fruit for breakfast one coffee,
Japanese beancurd and vegetables for tea a little fish.
About 10 bottles of water, last night I went out and kept to water at $8 a bottle.
Walked about 8 kilometres, a little shopping but kept the walk brisk.
Today so far.
Fruit breakfast, one coffee
40 minute work out in the gym, machines and weights.Feeling pretty puffed but handled a little more than I thought I could keep the weights one over minimum will try to up every few days.
one bottle water so far.
Any tips appreciated.
By the way start weight is 75 kilo last Saturday
Today 9am 74 kilo.I will weight myself once to twice a week, should keep it to once but I always get tempted.
Goal 68 kilo or lose of 6 more kilo in 30 days.

Hey missus Kenworthy.....Me saw you in dee restaurante when you spill dat stuff.You eating far too much...... me keep fit by disipline . Must be regimented...cant twain when it suits you cos you fill you belly like preggy cavewoman..you must have plenty Jiggy jiggy..... no vibrating machines dat is cheating .Must be human interaction.And walking forty minutes every day.Wash your car every day like karate kid wax on wax off good for uppa body torso.
Me paddle every day and swing from vines....Tarzan he my personel trainer..me prefer his wife she velly sexy...tarzan too butch big muscles small penis...me sore him put big bannana in his loin cloth to make it look bigga.Just like sum life saver on Bondi beach.......My lap top just got wet river rising...me wish dat dare was nice lap top dancer in dis village but i see notheeeing..

Bi bi



Hey MaryAnne
Restaurants Banyan tree & Dome have beautiful bars. Western style dress to impress (failed to mention in last post)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks Lone Road and Caveman. I can wait for a response later.
I do know that I need to eat more regularly, I had a gym for three years, years back and learnt that trick.
One of the worlds great specialists Professor O'Brien told me you can eat what you like if you keep all drinks to zero calories, or drink what you like if you keep all food to zero calories so first have given up the booze which means lots of water that is already driving my bladder silly.
At least in a week or so when I have shown my kidneys and bladder that I am drinking plenty the frequency of widdling will stop, I do hate having to run to the loo constantly for half a glass full. LOL
Perth Fun I do not have a camera, I've hardly taken a photo for ages. I did play golf with a professional photographer in new York who took a few good photo's but don't think they are quite as you mean..lol
Never worked out how to add a photo to a post, I can to a new thread so when someone tells me I will put them up.
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Fantastic to hear how you are going Mary-Anne. I wish I could be that disciplined about what I eat and excercise. I do no exercise at all and I really should start doing some weight baring stuff (and that doesnt mean holding the guys up when they are too drunk to hold themselves up either!!!!!) otherwise my bones are going to turn to dust!!! The last time I did any regular exercise was back when I was training for state netball and that was a long time ago. I just feel like a lazy cow now!!!

How are you finding the diet thing being in a different country with different foods? Is it still easy to stick to what you know?

Keep it going Mary-Anne i will be checking in on ya!!!!

Mwah xoxoxoxo

Naughty Thoughts

To add a pic in a regular post:
  1. Type in a short message in the quick reply box.
  2. Click "Go Advanced" rather than "Post quick reply" - this will take you to a screen that's the same as when you start a thread.
  3. (optional) Check message for typos', grammar etc if you feel like.
  4. Scroll down to "Additional Options" and you'll see the attachment option down there.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks Lonestar,
You noticed that I never spell check. To write the many posts when I am on the forum quickly I never look back. I used to have one of the members as a moderator that kept a check for me, but she must have felt under used when I disappeared for months.
I just tried it and fast reply doesn't open for me, I will check with Serena why not. Thanks!
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Foundation Member
Wish alcohol had 0 calories

Good luck on the health and weightloss thing

When will they come up with 0 calorie alcohol? That's my downfall when trying to get healthy.

Have started with a personal trainer twice a week and am getting meals from liteneasy.com.au I need all the help I can get!


All the best to your weight loss programme. Ihave gained 5 kilos. Hope you have a wonderful time in Thailand. Looking forwards to seeing you back in Perth again. All my Love, Jacqui. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


Thailand excellent dental

Hi maryanne

Dental work over there is fantastic and very reputable and capable. My partner has his teeth done at a phenomenally cheap rate, amazing!
As for dieting, i tried to diet whilst there, munching on their healthy foods of tofu, bean curd and everything, but succumb to Starbucks, Maccas, Haagen daas and all that rot.
Good luck to you miss kenworthy in reaching your goals. As a determined woman, i know u will reach it!



Foundation Member
private overseas or both

Hi mary anne thanks for all your info. I've been thinking of getting private health insurance. But is it really better just to save up and go overseas if you need medical treatment? (instead of getting private health cover) or should I do both?

Been seeing a personal trainer and getting liteneasy delivered and starting martial arts next week. but still those liquid calories are following me


lady jane

Hi maryanne goodluck and bring one back for me i am still dieting and always looking for new ones have heaps of fun and drink lots for me see you soon

Love lady jane xx:angel1::angel12::alien:


Pilates is the best....shapes your body beautifully and is great for flexability (always good).

I always start the morning with a cup of warm (not boiling) water with half lemon, it great to detox and gets the digestive system a good kick start for the morning...My Naturapath says if you do nothing else for your health do this.....

Next is big glass of freshly squeezed juice of carrott, cerely, beetroot, apple, orange and ginger (kale also if in season)...again great to detox and all the good nutrients body needs....great for your skin!!!

Also....I skull a big glass of water before I eat any meal it helps to fill you up and I find I dont as bigger portions.

Also..Alcohol...Gin & Tonic great..first the clearer the alcohol the less the hangover (scientific proven) plus tonic has less sugar content as well!!!

A trip to Asia always good for my weight loss...I always end up with "Bali Belly" and the weight just falls off...no fun but it works ha ha ha
