• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Massage Parlour Sydney First to cop COVID-19 $5000 Fine (Canberra has had 3 visits already from police on patrol)

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Diamond Member
A Sydney massage parlour owner has copped a $5000 fine after the business was caught operating in a NSW police patrol.
Three staff members from the massage parlour, along with a returned traveller from the Lake Macquarie area, make up the first individuals and business in NSW to receive infringements for failing to adhere to coronvirus rules.
NSW Police said in a statement on Thursday officers from Sydney City Police Area Command were conducting a patrol in the Sydney CBD “as part of a proactive police operation to ensure individuals and businesses were complying with all ministerial directions related to COVID-19”.

The fines come following amendments to the Public Health Act.
During the patrol, police discovered a massage parlour, located on Sussex Street in Sydney’s CBD, was still operating, “contrary to a Public Health Order”.
“Officers spoke with the female owner of the business and issued her with a $5000 Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) for failing to comply with a direction under Section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW).”
Three female staff members were also issued with $1000 PINs.

Have been watching on Camera's and the caretaker also reports 3 visits so far.........
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Legend Member
And it was probably the part of Sussex Street that goes through Chinatown. There are also numerous AMP's along Liverpool Street nearby. So not really the brightest move of the owner to keep operating. If I was the Police, this would also be one of the first areas to hit.

A Sydney massage parlour owner has copped a $5000 fine after the business was caught operating in a NSW police patrol.
Three staff members from the massage parlour, along with a returned traveller from the Lake Macquarie area, make up the first individuals and business in NSW to receive infringements for failing to adhere to coronvirus rules.
NSW Police said in a statement on Thursday officers from Sydney City Police Area Command were conducting a patrol in the Sydney CBD “as part of a proactive police operation to ensure individuals and businesses were complying with all ministerial directions related to COVID-19”.

The fines come following amendments to the Public Health Act.
During the patrol, police discovered a massage parlour, located on Sussex Street in Sydney’s CBD, was still operating, “contrary to a Public Health Order”.
“Officers spoke with the female owner of the business and issued her with a $5000 Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) for failing to comply with a direction under Section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW).”
Three female staff members were also issued with $1000 PINs.

Have been watching on Camera's and the caretaker also reports 3 visits so far.........
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