• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Attention Live Chat Team

Samantha Witch

Fitser Team
Diamond Member
How is the forum training going on? Is it helping you out to learn about the uses of forum? Has the forum training helps you feel more confident on Live Chat?
Training is going pretty well........Learning lot's of new things with the help of forum members and also boost up our confidence to communicate with the client through Live Chat.:shame::shame::shame:.. Trying to increase the engagements in the forum. Helping @Mary-Anne K in her business to spread more so she can run her business more efficiently.

Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
How is the forum training going on? Is it helping you out to learn about the uses of forum? Has the forum training helps you feel more confident on Live Chat?
It is actually going excellent .. Though it helping me alot to learn about the uses of forum...Helping @Mary-Anne K in her business to spread more and I'm much confident on LiveChat...Looking forward to acquire some more knowledge and interesting stuffs about the forum...

Alley W

Diamond Member
How is the forum training going on? Is it helping you out to learn about the uses of forum? Has the forum training helps you feel more confident on Live Chat?
So far all good @Tizzy as working with you and lovely Team of forum and chat its going all according to script and Like @Tania said anything needed Admin forum and PM is best place to discuss