• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


  1. Vineta Sexting

    10 Weight Tips That Works If Diets Don't Help Anymore !

    1.Do weight training. 2.Change the caloric value during the week. 3.Tell the difference between a real plateau and an imaginary one. 4.Eat more protein and vegetables. 5.Change the exercises you do. 6.Eat tasty food. 7.Recalculate the caloric value of the food you eat. 8. Count...
  2. Valentina Starr

    Best tips

    Any good tips about this forum for a new comer?
  3. M

    Healthy foods while working at night

    Tips for Eating Healthy on Night Shift👇🏻👇🏻 Working in the night shift can change your life in many ways. The human body is designed to work in the day, and rest at night. But when you work during night shifts, working against your natural body rhythms poses special set of challenges, which adds...
  4. Farha Writer

    Do You Know How to Kiss a Woman So She'll Beg You to Never Stop?

    Do you know how to kiss a girl in a way that turns her on to the point where she wants you with a hunger and urgency that makes your lovemaking sublime? WATCH THIS!!! Link is broken,so has been taken down
  5. Jacqui Luxe

    Hacks, Tips and Tricks

    Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone had any fun little tricks they've learnt along the way in the industry. My favourite go-to is when I'm in the room and can't find a hair tie - I just use a condom! Works a treat and makes sure my hair doesn't get in the way of a good time and a fantastic...
  6. Shamaine

    Dealing with Awkward situations or Clients

    Hey to all, I am new to the forum :) my name is Shar and I am a driver of Langtrees PERTH. Thought it might be a good discussion to get your thoughts, opinions and tips on ways to deal with difficult clients in the room ie (Aggressive, Rude/obnoxious) or how you approach the situation of "The...