• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


  1. JakeV

    Positivity & Appreciation Thread

    Hi everyone! A lot of things have occurred this year, mostly negative and destructive, especially in the first half of the year such as COVID-19 or the fires in Australia. Just wanted to wish everyone to have a great day today and that we're all getting through this together :)
  2. BelliniDancer

    Positive Outlooks

    12 Steps to Self Care 1 - If it feels wrong, don't do it 2 - Say exactly what you mean 3 - Don't be a people pleaser 4 - Trust your instincts 5 - Never speak bad about yourself 6 - Never give up on your dreams 7 - Don't be afraid to say no 8 - Don't be afraid to say yes 9 - Be kind to yourself...