• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


  1. Nikki B

    Philippines a What is the Industry like? Can you tell us?

    We have just opened the international forums and it will take us a few days to sort and move existing threads into this forum. If you have ever visited Philippines and have some experiences to share with us we will appreciate it. Post a new thread please with the State & Town in the title.
  2. Tanky

    Cebu Phillipines

    Hey everyone just wondering who else has been here?seems less talked about,but went here 2014 and boy were there some drop dead girls.Had the usual bar girls and everything even though a little more spread out than places like Thailand,and same price dollar for peso.The thing I really liked...